I had the pleasure of visiting a group of young farmers running a CSA farm near Elora around a week ago. I spent the day in the blistering heat (although I feel bad saying that now because it's been even warmer since) shooting, getting in the way, and generally feeling like I'm finally shooting something well. (I've been in a slump. More on that another time.)
I grew up slaving in my parents' large garden, but it was all tending to vegetables, whining, and sitting in the shade after my parents got frustrated enough with me. Sometimes I even got banished back inside, to my delight.
These people work, and hard. They use horse-drawn plows for cultivation and were fulfilling the back-breaking task of picking peas at 8 a.m. when I arrived. And they'd already been up for a couple of hours. I'm hoping this is the start of some excellent time with Yehuda, Schirin, Mat, and Emily. (As well as the numerous animals.)
Here's a brief preview. Many, many more to come in the future.
Emily and Mat head out into the fields for a morning of pea-picking. |
Organic farming is their main practice, but the task of hand-watering each row of vegetables would be monumental. Mat fixes a leaky irrigation line amongst the rows. |
Schirin takes a break in the shade of the tent where she sleeps on the farm. With a former farmhouse housing around 8 people, she wanted her personal space and elected to stay in a tent. Two of the other farmers stay in an RV on the property as well. |
Yehuda ponders his crops before hooking up Milly to start cultivating the rows. |
Sally, who will work with her partner Milly on the double plow, waits while Milly, Mat, and Yehuda work on cultivating one of the farm's three fields. |
Schirin and Max, the baby of one of the housemates in the farmhouse, enjoy a pre-lunch snack. |
Freshly picked spring onions are washed and laid out to dry before being bundled for market and CSA pick-ups. |
Yehuda takes a quiet moment after lunch, while Goldie does the same on the dining room floor. |