I know my legion of fans has been waiting for an update, so sorry mom and also the large number of visitors I regularly get from the Ukraine. (This puzzles me as other than a post about perogies I have yet to post anything that would interest the average Ukrainian.)
I've been interning as a photographer since the beginning of April at the Waterloo Region Record. Today marks the approximate halfway point, and I have to say, I'm really happy here. It's an incredibly diverse region, from Mennonites walking down King Street to RIM bosses and their huge, huge houses. Kitchener and Waterloo are such different places that seem to just hit in the middle. I've also spent some time in Cambridge and although it may not be as exciting as K-W, the people I've met there are genuine. I was also force-fed a piece of pie there, so that may sway my opinion.
Here are a few highlights from the last two weeks. I'm excited for the next couple weeks and also to complete a couple of multimedia pieces soon. (This is posted in chronological order because I can't really decide on another order.)
KITCHENER, Ont. (03/04/12) - A firefighter sprays down a vehicle involved in a serious three-vehicle crash on Victoria Street North mid-morning on Tuesday, April 3. The section of Victoria between Lackner Boulevard and Shirley Drive is closed to traffic while police investigate the crash. Photo by Rachel Psutka. |
KITCHENER, Ont. (03/04/12) - Four year old Olivia Patte takes in a warm afternoon at Victoria Park in Kitchener on Tuesday, April 3. Photo by Rachel Psutka. |
KITCHENER, Ont. (04/04/12) - Madison Dusick and Ainsley Mackay, both Grade 5 students at St. Augustine Catholic School in Cambridge, learn about different nutritional foods at the Waterloo Region Museum. Public health nutritionists were on hand to get the students interacting and learning about the food they eat. Photo by Rachel Psutka. |
KITCHENER, Ont. (04/04/12) - Minister of Natural Resources Joe Oliver gets a virtual tour of an oil rig with the assistance of Communitech's Jeff Nesbitt following a speech at the technology headquarters in Kitchener on Wednesday, April 4. Photo by Rachel Psutka. |
WATERLOO, Ont. (05/04/12) - The former LCBO on Erb Street in Waterloo will soon be seeing new occupants. Heather Sinclair, CEO of Creative Enterprise Initiative, will be opening low-cost studio spaces like this one to artists, while Maxwell's Music House will open a musical jam space in the basement. Photo by Rachel Psutka. |
WATERLOO, Ont. (09/04/12) - (from left) University of Waterloo mechatronics engineering grads Jay Shah, Aditya Bali, and Mike McCauley, along with employee Brad Moggach, are celebrating the success of their company BufferBox. Seen here on April 9 and located in the Student Life Centre at the University of Waterloo, the company has delivered over 700 parcels at its current location to date. Photo by Rachel Psutka. |
KITCHENER, Ont. (10/04/12) - Neil Pasricha, author of the best-selling book, the Book of Awesome, engages with an early morning crowd at a one-day Tech Leadership Conference sponsored by Communitech in Kitchener on Tuesday, April 10. Photo by Rachel Psutka. |
KITCHENER, Ont. (10/04/12) - Arianna Huffington of the Huffington Post spoke of beginning a start-up company later in life and the necessity of a good night sleep among other topics at Communitech's Tech Leadership conference in Kitchener on April 10, 2012. Photo by Rachel Psutka. |
WATERLOO, Ont. (10/04/12) - A new periodic table mural, measuring 8 metres by 5 metres, was unveiled Tuesday, April 10, at the Centre for Environmental and Information Technology at the University of Waterloo. High schools from across the continent and even some international schools took part by designing a square that represented an element on the periodic table. Photo by Rachel Psutka. |
CAMBRIDGE, Ont. (11/04/12) - Bernice Anderson puts the finishing touches on a cherry pie during a Wednesday morning baking session of the Wesley Apple Corps at Wesley United Church in Cambridge on April 11, 2012. The group has been baking and selling pies and dumplings for over twenty years to raise funds for maintaining their church. Photo by Rachel Psutka. |
WATERLOO, Ont. (12/04/12) - Garret Gardiner (left) catches some air while Sam Fidlin takes a break at the skatepark on Father David Bauer Drive in Waterloo on Thursday, April 12. Photo by Rachel Psutka. |
KITCHENER, Ont. (12/04/12) - Jamie Teply started Yard Worx Landscape in February after several years of mowing lawns and other landscaping jobs. Pictured at his home in Kitchener, Teply is already working almost full time and is expecting Yard Worx to take off in the summer months. Photo by Rachel Psutka. |
KITCHENER, Ont. (13/04/12) - Kitchener's Victoria Park is the perfect place for Matt Thomson to catch a little meditation time on Friday, April 13. The direct sun and quiet atmosphere is ideal for meditation, according to Thomson. Photo by Rachel Psutka. |
CAMBRIDGE, Ont. (13/04/12) - Sherry Southgate displays her handiwork in her quilting studio at her home in Cambridge on Friday, April 13. Southgate is a semi-finalist in an international quilting competition. Photo by Rachel Psutka. |