Monday, 19 March 2012

The Pioneer: round four

A little while ago we rounded out our last week on the Pioneer. I was pretty happy to be done, but it was great experience. I ended up covering one of the bigger stories of the week, a robo-call protest. It ended up being a six-source, front page story, so I was happy with that.

Here are the clippings:

A weather feature of mine ended up running with a story about warm weather:
And I had one of several photos on a slightly over-filled page on Women's Day (look for the swim instructor):

I also did a piece for Tuesday's paper about the Quinte Ballet School auditions. This included a multimedia piece.

Quinte Ballet Auditions from Rachel Psutka on Vimeo.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Kingston Cat Show

Last Saturday, I decided to make the short trip to Kingston to take in some fancy cats taking part in the Canadian Cat Association's national show. The cats (and their owners) are quite the sight. It was a blast and I would love to shoot things like this daily if that paid, somehow.

KINGSTON, Ont. (25/02/12) - Trudy Watson gives her fluffy feline Sparticus a final brushdown before showing at the Kingston Cat Show, run by the Canadian Cat Association, on Saturday, Feb. 25, 2012. Photo by Rachel Psutka.
KINGSTON, Ont. (25/02/12) - Bailey, a Persian, and Candi, a Himalayan, play with their owner Paul Jacobs before showing in the kitten category at the Kingston Cat Show, run by the Canadian Cat Association, on Saturday, Feb. 25, 2012. Photo by Rachel Psutka.
KINGSTON, Ont. (25/02/12) - Two cats await judging at the Kingston Cat Show, run by the Canadian Cat Association, on Saturday, Feb. 25, 2012. Photo by Rachel Psutka. 
KINGSTON, Ont. (25/02/12) - Cat judge Elaine Gleason examines one of the competitors at the Kingston Cat Show, run by the Canadian Cat Association, on Saturday, Feb. 25, 2012. Photo by Rachel Psutka.
KINGSTON, Ont. (25/02/12) - A cat supporter watches as judge Bob Gleason examines a Siamese cat at the Kingston Cat Show, run by the Canadian Cat Association, on Saturday, Feb. 25, 2012. Photo by Rachel Psutka.
KINGSTON, Ont. (25/02/12) - A cat hitches a ride to the judging circle at the Kingston Cat Show, run by the Canadian Cat Association, on Saturday, Feb. 25, 2012. Photo by Rachel Psutka.
KINGSTON, Ont. (25/02/12) - A cat poses for a photo op with fans at the Kingston Cat Show, run by the Canadian Cat Association, on Saturday, Feb. 25, 2012. Photo by Rachel Psutka.
KINGSTON, Ont. (25/02/12) - A cat takes a break from the hard business of show life at the Kingston Cat Show, run by the Canadian Cat Association, on Saturday, Feb. 25, 2012. Photo by Rachel Psutka.
KINGSTON, Ont. (25/02/12) - William, a Maine Coon cat, gets a well-deserved meal at the Kingston Cat Show, run by the Canadian Cat Association, on Saturday, Feb. 25, 2012. Photo by Rachel Psutka.
KINGSTON, Ont. (25/02/12) - Trudy Watson looks on as her fluffy feline Sparticus seems perturbed by his bib at the Kingston Cat Show, run by the Canadian Cat Association, on Saturday, Feb. 25, 2012. Photo by Rachel Psutka.

The Pioneer: round three

As promised, here are my clippings from week three on The Pioneer. We're actually heading into week 4 right now, so this is a bit late, but things on the internet never go stale, right?

 And this last one is just my photo, not my story.