Thursday, 23 February 2012

Working Women

I'll get around to posting some pages from last week's Pioneer, but first I'm going to show off a few photos taken in the past couple of days in advance of International Women's Day. I'm not a raging feminist like some people in my program, and I think the idea of celebrating a gender is a bit contrived, but it was staff class and I needed to shoot something. I drew "working women" out of the hat (other choices included multigenerational women, single mom, seniors, immigrant, etc.), so I set out to find some women with interesting working situations.

BELLEVILLE, Ont. (21/02/12) - Bev Boyce, 75, is likely one Canada's oldest lifeguards. Working at the YMCA in Belleville, Ont. also as a swimming instructor, she says she gains the most enjoyment in teaching others how to swim. Pictured here on Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2012 with some of her senior citizen class, Boyce says, "If I didn't love it, I would be retired long ago." Photo by Rachel Psutka. 
BELLEVILLE, Ont. (22/02/12) - Erin Davis has been a primary care paramedic with the Hastings-Quinte EMS for six years. Pictured here at the Millenium Drive base in Belleville on Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2012, Davis says that being a paramedic is no longer a male-dominated career path. Photo by Rachel Psutka. 

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Recent things

The weeks are bouncing back and forth between class weeks, where we spend most of our daylight hours inside, missing all the photo moments of the day, and Pioneer weeks, where we chase stories and otherwise try to produce decent content.

It's all very disjointed.

This week, I somehow got paired with doing another In Focus page (a photo story with a short written piece, similar to my page with Josh). So I had to find a story, and quickly. I had already arranged to shoot Vicki Keith as my notable Canadian, so I asked if I could piggyback along to her swim team practice, where she coaches kids with physical disabilities and their able-bodied siblings. It was a pretty awesome day, and I'm fairly happy with what I got. I just wish I had got in contact with her and done more work with her earlier. Such an intriguing place.

Anyway, here's a bit from the day, plus my portrait of the magical Vicki Keith, Queen of the Lakes.

KINGSTON, Ont. (13/02/12) - Vicki Keith, champion marathon swimmer and multiple world record holder, is seen at the YMCA in Kingston on Monday, February 13, 2012. Keith was the first person to swim across all five Great Lakes, as well as multiple other bodies of water. Photo by Rachel Psutka.
KINGSTON, Ont. (13/02/12) - Swimmer Abi T., 11, looks to coach Vicki Keith for encouragement at her swim practice in Kingston on February 13, 2012. Photo by Rachel Psutka.
KINGSTON, Ont. (13/02/12) - Swimmer Harley B., 16, was born with holes in his cerebellum. On land he has issues with balance, but is an accomplished paralympic athlete in water. Photo by Rachel Psutka.
KINGSTON, Ont. (13/02/12) - Emily S., 13, was born with spina bifida and uses a wheelchair for mobility on land. When Emily is swimming, she feels free and weightless. Photo by Rachel Psutka.
KINGSTON, Ont. (13/02/12) - Swimmer Abi T., 11, has had mobility issues since she was born. She is the youngest member of the Y Penguins to qualify for the Paralympic trials next month in Montreal. Photo by Rachel Psutka.
KINGSTON, Ont. (13/02/12) - Nik T., 15, centre, talks to fellow swimmer Michelle S. Nik suffered two strokes when he was 8 years old and swims largely with the left side of his body. Photo by Rachel Psutka.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

The Pioneer: round two

Time is flying this semester, which is a bit problematic. I need to figure out future plans, etc.

Anyway. This week was very frustrating but I'm at least mildly happy with how some things turned out. Here are some small things from the paper this week.

And the bottom right photo of this photo page of weather features is mine.